02/28/2019 You can now face heftier penalties if convicted of distracted driving and/or careless driving.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and/or M licence holders convicted of distracted driving
First Conviction:
A fine of $615, if settled out of court (includes a victim surcharge and the court fee)
A fine of up to $1,000 if a summons is received or if you fight the ticket in court and lose
Three demerit points
3-day suspension
Second Conviction:
A fine of $615, if settled out of court (includes a victim surcharge and the court fee)
A fine of up to $2,000 if a summons is received or if you fight the ticket in court and lose
Six demerit points
7-day suspension
Third and Any Further Conviction(s):
A fine of $615, if settled out of court (includes a victim surcharge and the court fee)
A fine of up to $3,000 if a summons is received or if you fight the ticket in court and lose
Six demerit points
30-day suspension
G1, G2, M1 or M2 licence holders convicted of distracted driving
You will face the same fines as A to G licence holders convicted of distracted driving, however you will not get any demerit points and you will face longer licence suspensions:
First conviction: A 30-day licence suspension
Second conviction: A 90-day licence suspension for a second conviction
Third and any further conviction(s): Cancellation of your licence and removal from the Graduated Licensing System (GLS) – to get your licence back you’d have to redo the GLS program
Careless Driving
You can find yourself facing a careless driving charge if you are found to endanger the public because of any kind of distraction. It is unclear what the government’s broad definition will include, but as an example, it may include things like eating at the wheel.
If Convicted, You May Get:
Six demerit points
Fines up to $2,000 and/or
A jail term of six months
A licence suspension of up to two years
It is even possible to be charged with dangerous driving, which is a criminal offence (as opposed to a Highway Traffic Act offence), which carries much heavier penalties. Ottawa, Ontario Criminal Defence If you have been charged with an offence, you need aggressive lawyers ready to help you protect your rights and reclaim your life and your reputation. Engel & Associates has represented individuals and businesses charged with hundreds of different offences throughout Canada for more than three decades. From the start of a criminal investigation to the close of a trial, we will take a balanced and forceful approach to your defence. We have the experience and know-how to effectively navigate the constantly changing justice system in Canada.